Inactive Numbers
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Archived numbers
Why there are "Archived Numbers"?
Our mission is to provide disposable phone numbers to as many people as possible, without time or geographical constraints. However, many websites only allow one account creation per phone number. Therefore, the longer a phone number is provided, the fewer users can use it.
For this reason, we regularly rotate phone numbers to ensure that new users who discover SMSOnline can also have access to phone numbers.
The duration for which a phone number is provided varies depending on availability and user usage, but it generally lasts from a minimum of 3 months to up to a year.
For this reason, we regularly rotate phone numbers to ensure that new users who discover SMSOnline can also have access to phone numbers.
The duration for which a phone number is provided varies depending on availability and user usage, but it generally lasts from a minimum of 3 months to up to a year.
If you have been using archived numbers
Phone numbers that are no longer provided on our site will be listed on this page. If a phone number becomes unavailable, please re-link it to a newly provided phone number.
It is recommended to do this promptly, as you may lose access to your account if the phone number is no longer available.
Please note that SMSOnline cannot assist with access issues caused by discontinued phone numbers, so please make sure to take action in advance.
It is recommended to do this promptly, as you may lose access to your account if the phone number is no longer available.
Please note that SMSOnline cannot assist with access issues caused by discontinued phone numbers, so please make sure to take action in advance.